Crew management for successful maritime operations
Crew management is vital for successful and safe maritime operations. Selecting the right crew on board is essential. We believe in diversity and we are personally acquainted with all our seafaring crew and clients. Regular visits to the vessels enable us to understand their work and requirements, which in turn allows us to guarantee quality placements. We are all about our people, because without them there would be no maritime industry.
Diversity, safety and quality
We are responsible for recruiting personnel on board our vessels, from captains to ordinary seamen, always aiming to find the appropriate balance between European and non-European maritime professionals. We also work together with various agencies.
We have a retention figure of no less than 98%, and are rightly proud of that. We have enjoyed a close relationship with our officers and seafaring crew for many years, which enables us to offer quality services. We guarantee sound labour practices and safe operating conditions, because safety and quality are our priority.

The Crewing department is primarily responsible for the personnel side of our business.
This includes:
- Recruitment and selection: Identification, recruitment and selection of qualified candidates for positions on board, with evaluation of the necessary skills, certificates and experience.
- Contract management: Formulation, negotiation and management of employment contracts and crewing documents, including salary, terms of employment and contract duration.
- Crew planning: Planning and coordination of crew for vessels, taking into account rotations, periods of leave and operational requirements.
- Training and development: Organisation and management of training courses and education for seafaring crew, to ensure that they have the necessary skills and know-how.
- Administration: Maintaining accurate personnel dossiers, including certificates, permits and medical data of seafaring crew.
- Travel and logistics: Coordination of travel plans and accommodation for seafaring crew, including procurement of visa and other travel documents.
- Crewing services: Providing support and solutions for personal and professional affairs of seafaring crew, including medical aid, family matters and social services.
- Safety and regulations: Ensuring that seafaring crew comply with the maritime safety standards and regulations, including coordination of safety training courses and procedures.
- Communication: Maintaining open and effective communication with seafaring crew and the home front when necessary, including regular reporting on crewing situations.
- Diversity management: Actively promoting diversity and inclusivity on board the vessels, and ensuring that all crew members receive fair and respectful treatment.
- Cost control: Effective control of costs and budgets related to crew management activities, including salaries, training costs and travel costs.

30 years at
MF Shipping Group
Meet Captain Leen Postma, working for MF Shipping Group, since the very beginning!
Talking to Leen, we had the pleasure of reflecting on his career.