A seafarer's story

Voyage to Greenland

Cyprus Cement in Greenland

In May 2024, the crew of the mv Cyprus Cement embarked on a journey to a destination many of us had only heard of in passing: Greenland. Captain Mikhaeil Sidorenko shared his memories of this remarkable voyage.

We had a vague idea that Greenland was a faraway place covered in ice and snow, and none of us had ever set foot there before. Naturally, there was a mixture of excitement and apprehension as we embarked on this long journey, anticipating freezing temperatures, possible storms and the ever-present threat of hitting icebergs. 

Arriving in the port of Nuuk, the capital of Greenland, we breathed a collective sigh of relief. The sleepless nights of navigating through fog, ice and challenging weather were behind us. At last we could bask in the serene beauty that Greenland has to offer. The picturesque weather and extended stay in port gave us ample opportunity to explore and appreciate this unique place. Our phones quickly filled up with stunning photos and we were overwhelmed with positive emotions.

Curious about the crew's impressions, I asked them to share their thoughts on what they liked, what surprised them and what might have been less enjoyable. Their answers were encouraging, reflecting a shared sense of wonder and admiration for Greenland.

C/O Sergey Nedvigin commented: "It's a good experience with polar water, ice and iceberg navigation. Good pictures of nature".

Crew of mv Cyprus Cement in Greenland

C/E Oleg Krivchenko found the voyage both fascinating and educational. "Ice, icebergs, whales, this is a very interesting and educational voyage. Far away, cold Greenland is a curious place, friendly people," he noted.

3/E Maksim Lysikov was fascinated by the pristine environment. "A very interesting place with clean sea, fresh air and quiet people. It is very good that I visited this country".

2/O Dwight Riel was in awe of the landscape. "Greenland is a place I have never seen before. Never in my imagination did I expect such wonderful and wonderful scenery - cool breezes, amazing iceberg formations, glamorous and colourful houses, attractive and very pleasing rocks and mountain formations. So captivating and admirable".

2/O Andreo Panta shared his sense of awe. "When I visited Greenland, my first impression was one of awe at the pristine beauty of the landscape and the vast ice-covered terrain."

Fitter Samuel Soronio found Greenland to be a land of incomparable beauty. "Greenland is a land of unparalleled beauty and wonder, welcoming me with its landscapes, towering mountains and pristine Arctic wilderness. Interacting with local communities, learning about their traditions and tasting traditional cuisine was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that left me in awe of the raw beauty and majesty of this Arctic wonderland".

AB Roy Flores described it succinctly: "Fantastic place, beautiful view, not man-made, but God's creation".

AB Marc Cebreros praised the tranquillity of Nuuk. "An underrated city. A must for its tranquillity, with scenic views perfect for relaxing and enjoying the beauty of nature".

OS Leemar Dionaldo described Nuuk as the coolest city he had ever visited. "Stunning views and friendly people. Wish I had more time to explore the city".

Cook Reynaldo Pagtulon echoed these sentiments. "Nice place, especially the view. Probably the coolest city with friendly people.

Cyprus Cement in Greenland

We brought home more than just photographs from Greenland. We brought back a treasure of good memories and pleasant emotions that will stay with us forever. This trip, challenging as it was, proved to be an unforgettable adventure filled with awe and admiration for the raw, untamed beauty of Greenland.



Captain Mikhail Sidorenko

Aftermovie Company Days

2024 marked a significant milestone for MF Shipping Group: we celebrated our 30th anniversary. During the Company Days, we held celebrations in Turkey, the Philippines, and the Netherlands, bringing together our team from sea and office to connect, learn, and party.

Check out below aftermovie of our Company Days in the Netherlands!